Star Hill Family Athletic Center | 100 Gerber Dr. Tolland, CT 06084 | 860-871-8800

Youth Soccer Leagues 

Winter 2024/25


Registration Links

You can register your team or an individual on our website, at our front desk, or via phone.  All registrations must be accompanied by the appropriate deposit depending on the session and age group.  Please be aware that there is a $30 late fee for teams registering after the posted deadline for each session.  There is no late fee for individual registrations.  Registrations after the posted “No registrations will be taken after” date will only be done with management’s permission as needed to fill an age group/league.  All registrations are accepted on a first come, first served basis.

Boys are NOT permitted to play on a team in a girl’s league.  Teams in a boy’s league may be coed at any age, but there cannot be more than 5 girls playing on any team in a boy’s league. 

Online Registration Links (use these links to register a team or individual)

Session 1 Registration Links

Session 2 Registration Links

Session 3 Registration Links


HEADING is permitted in U12 leagues (and older)U11 leagues and younger are not permitted to head the ball.  An indirect free kick is the restart for a heading violation.

The creation of leagues and the ability to create divisions within age groups is dependent on the number of teams registered in each session. 

Coaches/Managers (Teams) - We are asking that you register your team directly into the REC or COMPETITIVE divisions.  Register for the COMPETITIVE division if you are an experienced travel team or a premier team (playing up) looking for a more challenging schedule.  Register for the REC division if you are a younger, new, less experienced travel team or a rec team.  If there aren't enough teams to support both divisions (REC & COMPETITIVE) we will combine them into one division or combine age groups.  Parents registering INDIVIDUALS, please register for the REC division (but if you register for the COMPETITIVE we will just combine everyone into one Star Hill team.  Rec and Competitive groups within age groups, or age groups themselves may be combined to form leagues.  It is our goal to always create leagues and divisions that are most competitive for all of the teams.  We will discuss with coaches if circumstances exist where we feel it is better for a team to move to a different league to be competitive.  Please register your team appropriately based on their abilities.

No team is allowed to register/play at a level below their age (age is determined by the oldest player on the roster).

Boys & Girls Age Divisions

U08 – Born in 2017/18 (play 5v5 sideways on field)

U09 – Born in 2016 (play 7v7)

U10 – Born in 2015 (play 7v7)

U11 – Born in 2014 (play 7v7)

U12 – Born in 2013 (play 7v7)

U13 – Born in 2012 (play 6v6)

U14 – Born in 2011 (play 6v6)

U15 – Born in 2010 (play 6v6)

High School (U16-19) - Born in 2006-09 (play 6v6) All players must still be High School students

League Schedules (Typical)

The following is a typical schedule for winter soccer at Star Hill.  While we follow this template in most cases, there will be occasions where teams play on different days, including mid-week games.  The game times given are just guidelines.  The number of teams registered in each league will affect other leagues (example more U14 teams will cause U9 leagues to start later).

U08  Boys & Girls                  Saturday AM (~7-11am)

U09  Boys & Girls                  Saturday AM (~10am-1pm)

U10  Boys & Girls                  Sunday (~12-6pm)

U11  Boys & Girls                  Sunday (~12-6pm)

U12  Boys & Girls                  Saturday PM (~2-6pm)

U13  Boys & Girls                  Saturday PM (~3-7pm)

U14  Boys & Girls                  Saturday AM (~7am-Noon)

U15  Boys & Girls                  Friday & Saturday PM (~7-11pm), Sunday 6-9pm

U16+ Boys & Girls                 Friday & Saturday PM (~7pm-midnight), Sunday 6-9pm

All age groups will have the possibility of some Friday evening games, mostly due to scheduling requests/conflicts.

Waivers & Rosters

     Click for Player Waiver

     Click for Team Roster

Player Waivers – Each player must have a signed waiver on file at the facility in order to participate in any league game.  Parent/Guardians can sign a waiver, complete the team roster, or fill out the waiver online.  Allowing a player to play in a game will assume a parent/guardians full consent with the waiver stipulations.

Team Rosters – Coaches/Managers are required to submit a written roster for their teams.  Rosters must be complete and contain team identification (name, age group, etc…) and individual player information including parent/guardian signature.  If a coach/manager wants to update a roster during the session, they can request the roster at the front desk.  Rosters will not be frozen during the session, but must be accurate and up to date.  Any player playing in a game for your team must be on the roster.  If a protest is made by another coach, and it is discovered that a player played in the game but was not on the roster, the team is subject to the forfeit rule.

Players are not allowed to double roster for teams playing in the same age league/division, with the exceptions of 1) a goalie rostered to a split team, and 2) a player playing on a premier team & their town travel team.

Players are not allowed to play at a level below their age.

Any team wishing to protest a roster must do so with the referee by the end of halftime of the game in question.  The referee will document the protest and turn it over to Star Hill management.

Game Cancellations / Reschedule Requests

While we understand circumstances do arise during a session that makes it difficult for a team to play a game, cancellations and/or requests for reschedules are difficult depending on the session and the availability of game times.

Teams cancelling games or requesting that a game be rescheduled after the session schedules have been published will be subject to the following:

  • The team you are scheduled to play will have the option of taking the forfeit or agreeing to a rescheduled day & time.
  • Should the team choose to take the forfeit, Star Hill will attempt to get another team (in the same age group or similar ability) to play a friendly game with the team at the originally scheduled day/time.  Otherwise the team will be given the option to use the field during the originally scheduled time (no referee will be provided).
  • Should the team agree to reschedule the game, Star Hill will work with the two coaches to find a day/time that works for both teams and referees.
  • If an agreeable day/time cannot be secured, the game will be recorded as a 0-0 tie.
  • No refunds will be offered for canceled games or games that cannot be rescheduled.

It is strongly recommended that no request for a reschedule be made based on the availability of a coach, or a single/few players.  Teams must make accommodations for these absences.

If Star Hill is forced to cancel games due to inclement weather, power outages, etc… we will offer a reschedule day/time.  If an agreeable day/time cannot be secured, the game will be recorded as a 0-0 tie.


Any team or individual who violates Star Hill’s policies, procedures, or facility rules will be subject to removal from any program, league, or event until such time where the individual or team is again in good standing.

Teams that fail to meet financial obligations, or meet behavioral standards as dictated by the facility policies and procedures and rules will be forced to forfeit games.  Forfeits will be recorded as an 8-0 win for the opposing team.

Teams, players, coaches, parents, or spectators who display aggression, are involved in fights, blatant fouls, or repetitive unsportsmanlike behavior are subject to forced forfeiture.  If a referee feels a game cannot continue, based on unsafe conditions, he/she can stop the game and award a forfeit to the opposing team.  If a coach removes his/her team from the field, without the agreement of the referee, their team will forfeit the game.  Forfeit decisions by the referee are at his/her sole discretion.  No refunds will be given for a forfeited game to either team.


Full refunds will be given for any league or program that does not have enough participants to occur, and which results in the cancellation of the league or program.  We will attempt to process all refunds within 2 weeks of the cancellation date.

Refunds will not be given to any team or individual who withdraws from a league or program after the posted registration deadline.  Teams will not be given a refund for games that are canceled or forfeited.

Schedule Requests

If you know us, you know that we make every attempt to accommodate your special schedule requests.  We ask that all requests be made in writing (email Mike @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by the posted deadline for the session.  We cannot guarantee any scheduling requests made after the deadline.  All requests made after the schedule is published are subject to the guidelines found in the Game Cancellations/Reschedule Requests section above.

We successfully work with hundreds of scheduling requests each session.  The ones that are tough to accommodate are those who take teams out of their “typical” schedule patterns.  For example, the U14 teams play early Saturday mornings, and the U15 teams play late on Saturday night.  A request for back to back games for a coach of a U14 & U15 team would be difficult because it would force us to make other U14 teams play late, or other U15 teams play early.  We will review these situations with the requesting coach or manager.


Requests for Byes can be tricky.  If we have 8 weekends to play 8 games, a request for a Bye automatically creates a situation where a team will have two games in a weekend, or a mid-week game.  We ask that all requests for Byes be made prior to the schedule request deadline.  Teams requesting a Bye after the schedule has been posted will forfeit the game(s) in question.

It is difficult to grant Bye requests for school breaks (winter break or spring break).  These requests must be kept to a minimum and in cases of school breaks, cannot include both surrounding weekends.

Uniforms / Equipment

All teams should have matching, coordinated shirts.  We encourage all shirts to have numbers, but numbers are required at U13 and older.

Turf, indoor flats, and regular sneakers are all acceptable forms of footwear.  CLEATS ARE NOT PERMITTED in any youth or adult league at Star Hill.  Referees will not allow a player to play who is wearing cleats.  If a player is found wearing cleats, they will be asked to leave the game and cannot return (cannot change into acceptable shoes and keep playing).


    Click here for  Indoor Soccer Rules

    Click here for  Star Hill Conduct / Violence Policy




All participants must have a signed waiver on file with Star Hill Family Athletic Center.

 Click here to view and print waiver form.

 Click here to view and print guest registration and waiver form.

 Click here to view and print team roster - waiver form 

 Click here to view and print Conduct Policy

Facility Hours Availability

Monday - Friday 
5:00am to 9:00pm 

Saturday & Sunday 
7:00am to 1:00pm
Monday and Wednesday
8:30am to 12 noon
Tuesday and Thursday
4:30 to 7:30pm

Click for Pool Schedule

or Fitness Class Schedule 


Click for Dome Schedule of Games and Pool Activity